Sunday, February 14, 2010

Trying To Bring The Country To The City

I have lived in the country most of my life until the past few years, and I haven't been content ever since.  I spend my days and nights dreaming about living in the country once again. 

My parents raised my sister and I while following a generally sustainable life on a hobby farm in the country.  We had cows, pigs, horses, a lamb, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, cats, vegetable and flower gardens, orchards, and grape arbors.  My father built a playhouse for my sister and I to play in, a barn, and a chicken coup/potting shed .  We lived on 7 acres of trees and fields.  After I left home, I moved to the country myself and raised my daughter there as a single mom.  A few years ago, after my father died, I moved to the city in order to build a house that my elderly mother could live in with me so that I could keep an eye on her.  Because she refuses to live in the country again, I remain here in the city, dreaming of the country.

These days, I bring the country to my city home as much as I can, whether it be in my dreams or by collecting country items to put in my home.  My decor isn't what one would describe as "country", except for a few antiques and other items.  My home could be described more as "earthy" or "natural".  I tend to bring a lot of nature indoors.  

I'm not sure where I am going with this blog just yet, but I am thinking that I may use it as another way to dream about life in the country again...